You’ve heard the stories… the family having a car wash fundraiser to pay for an unexpected funeral. The single mother facing a financial emergency with no equity to borrow against. The old man living from paycheck to paycheck, never able to stop working because there isn’t any money for retirement. The student drowning in debt.
You’ve heard the stories… or maybe, you’ve even lived them.
You see, while money won’t make you happy, it sure makes life a whole lot easier… And when you take action by investing, building wealth, and securing your future, you not only change your life, you change your legacy and the lives of generations to come.
Real estate is one of the most effective ways to build that wealth. According to a 2021 NAHREP Study, homeowners have 28 times the wealth of renters… however when we factor in Census data, it is incredibly telling about the wealth gap that exists in minority communities.
The national rate of homeownership is 65%. However it is more around 70% for white households. In the AAPI community, this drops to 49%, dropping further to 46% for hispanic/latino households and less than 40% for Black households.
That’s why I’m on a mission to train real estate agents and empower them to help families to get the financial education and tools they need to revolutionize their life and create a legacy of multigenerational wealth through real estate.
…because I’ve seen first hand what building wealth can do for a family.
Every business story starts somewhere….
Mine starts with her.
The woman pictured here is my abuela, Angela Rivera Elizondo, a woman from El Chante, Jalisco Mx. A mother of 6, she followed her husband to California where they both worked in factories saving up the money they needed to create a home for their family, and bring the children they had left behind to the land of opportunity. Together they created a home, but rather than the quintessential dream home with the white picket fence, they purchased a three-unit property where they could start to plant their own roots, build a home and create a legacy.
When she told me this story for the first time, her story, she said,
Hay que sembrar para cosechar. You have to plant the seeds in order to reap the harvest.
In Loving Memory of Angela Elizondo Rivera July 29, 1931 - July 5th, 2017
That little three-unit property in South Gate, Ca took care of her throughout her life. It’s the reason my dad became a real estate investor planting his own seeds and investing in assets. It’s the reason that as a little girl, he took me with him to see the apartments and homes he and my mother had bought & rented out, filled with orgullo, pride, at the legacy that they were building one home at a time. It’s why when he taught me to drive at 17, I learned to change lanes while we drove from home auction to home auction, learning so much more than I could ever have hoped to pick up in Drivers Ed.
And her story, as well the mistakes and mishaps I made along my own journey, are the reason that I'm so passionate about training real estate agents and providing my community with access to wealth & legacy building resources. To do that:
I offer free Real Estate Education to real estate agents and consumers alike— including my Real Estate Revolution Training Website, and “State of the Real Estate Market” Workshops to empower the community to make powerful decisions.
I work with a phenomenal Referral Network of Realtors in the Nation to offer real estate services and connections throughout the US and around the globe.
and I create content around this to inspire as many people as possible to change their lives….
So whether it's through empowering people through my Keynote addresses, coaching Real Estate Agents, or consulting families on their finances— I strive every day to continue her legacy.
So stay a while. Figure out what seeds you need to plant. Nurture yourself with knowledge and action. AND GROW.